Redesigning Camera Compatibility Finder

Navigating the challenge to satisfy numerous stakeholders at once


The exacqVision Compatibility Finder streamlines IP camera compatibility checks on the Exacq website for integrators. It assists them in ensuring camera compatibility with the exacqVision VMS software before hardware installation at client locations. The project's focus was enhancing the user journey for integrators, refining their experience on the platform for finding and evaluating compatible IP cameras. Developed without UX consultation, the existing system had noticeable design issues. Our task was to identify improvements, going beyond the obvious to enhance usability and intentionality.

Our main challenge was satisfying numerous stakeholders at once — our product management, engineering, sales and marketing, and of course, the end user

Non-disclosure Agreement

Since this project is under NDA, I cannot share it publicly. Please reach out to me to view the full case-study.