

Find your space

Jan-Mar 2020
UX Research, Ideation, Visuals, Prototyping
2 UX Designers, 1 Product Manager
Adobe XD, Illustrator


How can we improve the people's experience with shared workspaces?


A mobile application designed to help students and young professionals or entrepreneurs in finding a shared workspace nearby, that meets their divergent expectations.



Initial Question

How does music impact the productivity at a shared workspace?

Field Observations

Conducted field observations attempting to be a “fly on the wall” so as to mitigate the observer effect; none of the locations were alerted to the observation sessions.


Each researcher also conducted two interviews. The subjects of these interviews were recruited out of convenience.


We found that people were almost never bothered by music when working in shared spaces. However, we discovered a major pain point was locating a suitable workspace.

Refined Question

How can we help people locate suitable workspace?


Problem Synthesis

What are people's expectations?

Affinity Diagramming

We performed Affinity Diagramming to organize data collected by each researcher and identify user expectations.

Key Requirements

As a <student> I want <to know where my peers are studying> so that <I can be social and make friends>

As a <student> I want <to work in a non-intrusive space> so that <I can be productive>

As a <young professional> I want< to know where there is sufficient space available> so that <I can meet with friends and clients without wasting time finding a new location>

As a <student> I want <a space that meets my needs> so that <I can complete my work efficiently>

Who are the users?

Empathy Mapping

We used Empathy Mapping to generate two fictional characters representing different user types.




How can we address the pain points?


Exploring Ideas

We selected three ideas from the brainstorming ideas for further exploration.



Based of on our findings from research, we decided following features suitable for our personas.

Discover shared workspace's around you

Filter spaces suitable to your neds

Reserve space for individual or groups

User Flow & Wireframe

We created a low fidelity interactive prototype implementing the features identified.


What are some problems in the design?

The design team performed four evaluative studies, two think alouds, a heuristic evaluation and a cognitive walkthrough.

Think Aloud

  • Users found the home page “overwhelming”
  • Users found the hamburger menu and checkout screen “confusing”
  • Expected some form of directions to pop up after checkout

Heuristic Evaluation

  • Visibility: need to show if filters are applied
  • Real world match: filter icon versus a funnel icon
  • Minimalist design: toggle needed for map

Cognitive Walkthrough

  • Sliders need labels
  • Filter versus search confusion
  • Filters need to be present via UI elements/icons


Hi-Fi Interactive Prototype

The project officially ended with evaluations. I tried addressing the issues identified and created a high-fidelity interactive prototype using AdobeXD and Illustrator. Click here to interact with the prototype.

Area Selection

Missing from the initial design, I added this screen that will enable the users to discover all available coworking spaces within a distance radius.

Home Screen

The minimalistic design of home screen addresses multiple problems identified in the evaluation phase. A toggle button to switch between list and map view. Icons adhering to heuristic of real word representations.


Filters that will allow the users to find a suitable workspace, for instance, places that are more social in nature. Conversely, it would allow users to find space that is generally less social and more traditionally a workspace.


Once the user has selected a workspace, the transaction process allows user to make customized reservations for individual or group meetings.

Lessons Learned

Working on the Stanley Security project was like going on an exciting adventure. 🚀 Here's what I learned along the way:

You are not the user

Designing for everyone means designing for anyone but yourself.

Putting Users First is a Win

By really getting what users want and need, I could make things that work well for them. 🧑💻

Keep It Simple

Making things easy to find and use was super important. Nobody likes getting lost! 🧭

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Working together and sharing ideas made everything better. We rocked as a team! 🤝


Looking back at this project, I can see how much I've learned and grown. I've picked up new things about design, what users need, how to work well with others, and even about myself. 😊 What I've learned won't just help me on this project, but on all the other exciting projects I'll work on in the future. 🚀 This journey has been great, and I'm excited to see where the next one will take me! 🌟